Speed & Flexibility are Key to On-Time Delivery of Molded Surgical Components

CUSTOMER SITUATION A large medical technology company acquired a line of 18 single-use accessories for laparoscopic surgery. It planned to redesign the molded components with the goal of reducing manufacturing cost without compromising quality. The customer set an aggressive schedule to design, fabricate, validate, and transfer to production tools for 23 complex molded components in […]

Innovative Spinal Surgery Case & Tray System Saves Costs; Drives Brand Awareness

CUSTOMER SITUATION A fast-growing, midsize company in the spine market sought a supplier that could support the development of a new universal case and tray system for all its current and future reusable spinal surgery instruments. The company had a very aggressive launch strategy: It wanted to introduce the new system with the relaunch of […]

Manufacturing Capabilities

With an expansive global footprint, Viant offers unmatched manufacturing scale and speed. Our focused approach aligns your resources with our capabilities for maximum efficiency. Get expert advice on accelerating time to market, reducing lead times, mitigating validation risk, and ensuring product performance.