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Lean Product Development Dramatically Accelerates Time to Market for Laparoscopic Device

A large surgical technology company was facing competitive pressure and needed to accelerate the market release of a novel flexible monopolar scissors for a new laparoscopic surgical system.
Novel Articulating Tissue Sealer Design Gains First-to-Market Advantage

A large surgical device company was planning to commercialize a first-of-its-kind articulating vessel sealer to strengthen its portfolio in the advanced energy device segment of the laparoscopic surgery market.
Lean Product Launch with 3P Event Reduces Risk & Compresses Timeline for Energy-Based Device

A small startup had a prototype for a system to treat the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and was looking for a partner to help scale up assembly and manufacturing.
Quick Transfer of Tools for Complex Molded Components Increases Customer Satisfaction

A midsize, market-leading blood management company was having major quality issues with the molding supplier for critical components of its flagship product, resulting in supply chain interruptions and a high rate of customer complaints.
Key Component for Stent Delivery System Gets Innovative Solution

A leading, multinational medical technology company was seeking a strategic partner to develop and manufacture a key component of its next-generation, catheter-based stent delivery system.
Collaborative Transfer of Surgical Device Meets Aggressive Time Frame

A leading, multinational medical technology company needed to transfer manufacturing of a medical device to free up cleanroom manufacturing space for a new product.
Bridge Tooling Solution Allows Early Delivery of Complex Surgical Device

A leading multinational medical device company turned to Viant for a large tooling/injection-molding project: manufacturing all the plastic parts for a single-use device for minimally invasive surgery.
Transfer of Catheter to Low-Cost Geography Improves Manufacturing Process

CUSTOMER SITUATION Viant saw an opportunity to increase efficiencies by transferring a medical device it had been manufacturing in the US for more than a decade to its low-cost geography in Costa Rica. The product was a balloon catheter from a large surgery technology company based in Asia. The objectives were to reduce cost and […]
Speed & Flexibility are Key to On-Time Delivery of Molded Surgical Components

CUSTOMER SITUATION A large medical technology company acquired a line of 18 single-use accessories for laparoscopic surgery. It planned to redesign the molded components with the goal of reducing manufacturing cost without compromising quality. The customer set an aggressive schedule to design, fabricate, validate, and transfer to production tools for 23 complex molded components in […]